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Financial Information

Annual Governance and Accountability Return

Flitwick Town Council complete an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) setting out Accountancy statements and an Annual Governance Statement for each financial year.  This is a requirement of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 for smaller authorities to conduct a review of the effectiveness of the system of internal control and prepare an annual governance statement in accordance with proper practices in relation to accounts.


The Precept is the amount the Town Council asks from Central Bedfordshire Council as a proportion of the Council Tax paid by householders of Flitwick to deliver services to the Town.

Local Government Transparency Code 2015

The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires Town Councils to list all payments over the sum of £500.  From 2021/22 onwards Flitwick Town Council will be publishing all payments made, including any payments under £500.

The Code mandates that local authorities publish information on senior salaries over £50,000 per annum.

The total number of staff earning over £50k per annum (based on full-time equivalent salary) is 1.

Job Title: Town Clerk & Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service)

Salary band: LC4 (50-54) (£58,583-£65,803)

Number of staff responsible for: 29

Gross revenue budget held: £1,863,011

Stacie Lockey is the Town Clerk and Chief Executive of Flitwick Town Council.



2021/2022 Financial Year





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