
The Town Council's role in the planning process is to represent the wider community and comment on planning applications as a consultee.
For sites that have already been allocated in Central Bedfordshire Council's Local Plan, it is likely that development will proceed and in these cases it is essential to ensure that the best possible outcomes can be negotiated for the town.
In May 2022 the Town Council established a new Planning Improvement Working Group for Flitwick with the aim of engaging with Central Bedfordshire Council, residents, and developers to try to influence plans before they reach an advanced stage. The group comprises Town Councillors and residents working together to help make a difference to planning developments in the town.
If you would like to know more about the Planning Improvement Working Group please call 01525 631900 or email us.
Planning Survey 2024
Thank you to everyone who responded to our first planning survey. You can view the results of the survey here.
This Town Council has produced a comprehensive guide on its role as a consultee in respect of Planning & Development Control. Town & parish councils and councillors have a crucial role in representing their locality and leading local development in the best interests of residents. The Planning Guide also gives guidance on the Planning System. You can view the guide below.
Flitwick Town Council Planning Guide
All Planning Applications in Flitwick
You can view all planning applications in Flitwick here.
Flitwick Town Council PIWG Responses to all Planning Applications in Flitwick
The Planning Improvement Working Group (PIWG) discusses all planning applications in Flitwick and, as consultees, submits its response to each application to Central Bedfordshire Council. You can view responses here.
Response to Princess Close application.
Major Planning Applications in Flitwick

It should be noted that the Flitwick Nature Park was not part of this planning application, nor is any extension to the Nature Park was planned as part of this application. You can see our press release on this matter here.
You can read Flitwick Town Council's response to the planning application below.
Responses to Major Planning Applications
The Town Council has submitted objections to major developments that will impact the town. You can read the full reports below:
Land south of Steppingley Road (Application 2024 Ref: CB/22/04108/FULL)
Land between Brogborough, Lidlington, and Marston Moretaine
Steppingley Road Development (original application)
General Planning Information
Changes to the National Planning Framework (March 2023)
Changes to the Central Bedfordshire Design Guide (March 2023)
Changes to the Central Bedfordshire Council Housing Technical Policy Guidance SPD (March 2023)
Planning Appeals
The Town Council has submitted responses to the following planning appeals. You can read them below.
Land to the side and rear of 41 to 47 Coniston Road, Flitwick (April 2023)
Meetings with Developers and other Groups on Planning Matters
Occasionally, the group meets with potential developers and other groups to discuss planning matters. This may relate to specific sites, or on planning matters more generally. The purpose of these meetings is to have a general discussion on planning issues, and for the group to ask questions of the other party.
It should be noted that the Town Council can only take a formal view on any planning matter or application through a resolution at Town Council. Accordingly, the comments of the PIWG should not be interpreted as a formal position of the Town Council.
You can find summary notes of the meetings below. Note that meetings of the group are not formally minuted.
Meeting with Optimis Consulting concerning development potential for land between Trafalgar Drive and the planned Flitwick Nature Park on 22nd February 2023
A Guide to Commenting on a Planning Applications
An important part of the planning process is the involvement of local people, organisations and businesses making their views known about planning applications.
You can support, object or make general comments about any planning application on Central Bedfordshire Council's website. The formal consultation period will normally last for 21 days.
It is important to note that only certain issues can be taken into account when commenting on planning applications, which are known as 'material planning considerations'.
Listed below is information on what constitutes a valid material consideration for planning applications, and issues that are not considered relevant to the decision-making process for planning applications.
Material Planning Considerations
Issues that can be considered to form a valid objection to an application include the following;
- Local, strategic and national planning policies, plus emerging new plans that have been through at least one stage of consultation
- Government circulars, orders, statutory instruments, guidance and advice
- Previous planning and appeal decisions, plus principles of case law held through the courts
- Overshadowing and loss of light based on Building Research Establishment guidance
- Overlooking and loss of privacy
- Highway issues, including traffic generation, vehicular access and highway safety
- Noise and disturbance from proposed use, including operating hours
- Smells and fumes
- Storage and handling of hazardous materials
- Effect on listed buildings, conservation areas, scheduled monuments and archaeology
- Loss or effect on trees
- Adverse impacts on nature conservation interests and biodiversity
- Layout and density of building design, visual appearance and finishing materials
- Landscaping and means of enclosure
Non-Material Planning Considerations
Issues that are not relevant to the decision making process and cannot be taken into account include the following;
- Loss of view
- Negative impact on property value
- Land and boundary disputes between neighbours and/or damage to property
- Private rights of access and covenants
- The impact of construction work
- Opposition to business competition
- Personal morals or views about the applicant
- Opposition to the principle of development if this has been decided by an outline planning permission or appeal decision.
- Matters controlled under other non-planning legislation, for example, building regulations
For more information on planning and the planning process visit Central Bedfordshire Council's website.