About the Charity
The Flitwick Town Mayor's Charity was set up in November 2023 to fundraise throughout the year to fund projects and initiatives that will directly benefit Flitwick residents. We are registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales as registered charity number 1205683. We fundraise by applying for grants, running events, and directly fundraising online, predominantly via JustGiving and PayPal Giving Fund. The charity works closely with Flitwick Town Council but its operations and governance are completely independent.
You can contact the charity by emailing ftmc.treasurer@flitwick.gov.uk.
We welcome donations to our Community Fund by bank transfer or popular online platforms including JustGiving and PayPal Giving Fund
You can donate to the Flitwick Town Mayor's Charity Community Fund to support our work using the details below. The Community Fund is allocated by the trustees to support projects like Flitwick Community Fridge and other projects that benefit the people who live and work in Flitwick.
We are registered for GiftAid and all corporate donations attract tax relief.
Sort Code: 20-05-73 | Account Number: 60321745 | Account Name: Flitwick Town Mayor's Charity CIO
Our Trustees
Our trustees serve for four-year terms as per our constitution. The Town Clerk & Chief Executive of Flitwick Town Council is appointed as an ex-officio trustee ensuring continuity and compliance.
Charity Trustee | Role | Term |
Andrew James Snape (known as Andy Snape) | Treasurer | 4 years (ends 13/11/27) |
Ronald John Roberts (known as John Roberts) | Chair | 3 years (ends 13/11/26) |
Clare Louise Thompson | Trustee | 2 years (ends 13/11/25) |
Stacie Lockey | Trustee (Ex Officio) | Not applicable |
Projects and Organisations we have supported
The primary purpose of our charity is to fundraise and secure grant funding to financially support projects and initiatives that will benefit the people of Flitwick.
Our grants policy intends to:
- Enable people to take opportunities that would otherwise not be available to them.
- Meet identified needs of disadvantaged people from communities of interest or place.
- Involve local people in improving their community.
- Reflect the concerns and priorities of people living and working in the area.
- Address emerging needs and explore ways of addressing those needs.
Flitwick Town Mayor's Chosen Charities
Each civic year, the Flitwick Town Mayor has the prerogative of choosing up to two local charities or causes, known as the ‘Town Mayor’s Chosen Charities’. This is a personal decision of the Town Mayor as they will be personally undertaking the fundraising and publicising their chosen charities.
Cllr Andy Snape was the Town Mayor in 2023/24 and raised £6,056.23 for his chosen charities. This was distributed as grants to the following organisations: £2,200.52 to SOS: Saturday Outreach Service, £3,355.71 to Tibbs Dementia Foundation and £500 to Flitwick Village Hall Committee Roof Fund.
Flitwick Town Mayor's Charity Community Fund
Flitwick Town Mayor’s Charity operates a ‘Community Fund’, which funds the community projects/initiatives and cost-of-living activities of Flitwick Town Council, including the Flitwick Community Fridge. This fund is also open to grant applications from the community twice per year as detailed in the Grants Policy. Recent grants made from the Community Fund include:
- £4,597.54 to Flitwick Town Council towards the Flitwick Community Fridge 'Food Hub' project. This funding was partially secured by applying for grants from Central Bedfordshire Council and a donation from Techcite Ltd.
- £750 to Flitwick Town Council to provide Holiday Activities with Food (HAF) events for young people qualifying for free school meals or special educational needs (SEN). This funding was secured by a donation from the John Lewis Partnership.
Fund Raising Events
Throughout the year, we hold different fundraising events to support the Flitwick Town Mayor's Charity. Follow Flitwick Town Council's Facebook page to see what's on and how you can get involved.
Tickets for all events can be booked here.

Wheelbarrow of Booze Raffle
Don't miss your chance to win a wheelbarrow of booze and help support the Town Mayor's Charity.